Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Reading Material

I love a good book. 

And while some of my "blogger buddies" have very adult tastes in reading material, I like to stick to simpler topics.  

Notably children's books.

My grandma was the librarian at the elementary school when I was growing up and I think that has a lot to do with my love for reading.  I seem to remember spending time between the rows of books on the floor reading after school while waiting on Grandma to take me home (b/c I was way too cool to ride the bus... at least when I had the option of a direct ride home via Grandma's car). 

At her house and at my other grandparents' house, there were always plenty of books to read as a source of entertainment.  

No video games.  


Anywhoo... a couple of years ago when central Indiana had major floods that ripped through the area, my and my hub's basement flooded.  Luckily, the flood was considered part of a catastrophe and all of our losses were covered under insurance.  We had two years to replace all that we lost.  One of the line items I noted as a loss was a box of books. 

Now before you go thinking, "awe, Whitney, that's horrible.  You lost a bunch of your childhood books," take heart.  The books I lost were the ones I didn't apparently love enough to appropriately store.  

But the short of this long story is that I put off replacing the books until the last minute (heeellllooooo procrastination!)  and had to spend $200 on children's books one afternoon online. 

That's a terrible problem to have -- not!

Imagine my delight when I came home one afternoon and found this little gem on my porch!

I looove to get mail! Especially when it's packed with goodies all for me!

Some of these books mean something to me... like I read it a lot as a kid and some of them are newer and just intrigued me.  I easily could've spent twice was I was allotted.


Sorry to bog down your computers with all the photos... but I HAD to share.... it's my blogger responsibility!

I also ordered a book about monster trucks and the classic Everyone Poops, but they were both back-ordered and haven't made an appearance yet!

Now, which one should I read to the dogs tonight at bed time?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Something old, something new...

Hi everyone!  Please excuse this interruption from our regularly scheduled blogging (who am I kidding?  I'm not keepin' a schedule on this thing!) for some wedding photos!

And, while you may not have ever met me in person, you'll quickly see that these are not pictures of me, but pictures by me.

Keep in mind, dudes and dudettes, some of these are old... like pre-digital camera days!  Whoa!  I know, right... do you even remember those times?!

Anywhoo, poppin' some of these up here for a potential client so she knows that I have shot a bride or two in my day (don't tell the cops!  ha ha ha!)

Hope you enjoy seeing some strangers' wedding photos!

(I didn't realize I had selected so many that were black and white... guess those are my favorite!)

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

These boots were made for muckin'

I adore boots.  That's the bottom line.

The kicker to this is A.)I'm cheap and don't like to actually buy boots (and I'm not implying by the italics that I steal them!) and B.) Once you find a good pair and get them broke in, it's much more economical to just get them re-soled than to buy all brand new ones and start the process over again.

For Hubs birthday recently, I got his work lacers resoled for him.  (his bday is at the beginning of May and he asked me in December to get them done... then to boot, I used it as part of his bday present... aren't I a good wife?!) When he and I went to pick them up and the gentleman brought them to the counter, we had to double check the claim ticket because we didn't recognize the boots after they had been cleaned and conditioned!

As for tall black boots that go up over your calves (aka: hooker boots), I love those too!  But my calves are too fat muscular to wear them, so I just admire from afar.

But these boots were a steal.

I got them at The Christmas Tree Shops a year or so ago for $12.  (please note that when I bought them, they were clean and shiny.)

You must know that I have owned muck boots before, but none this pretty.  I couldn't for the life of me figure out why any gal would need muck boots that were pretty like these unless she was outta her muckin' mind.  

Apparently, other ladies that purchase cute rubber boots bought them to wear in the rain...not the muck.  Ha!  Who knew?!  I actually saw a bunch of teen-ish aged gals wearing some similar to mine when I went into town shortly after I bought mine!  (Yes, I go into town... its like a journey all on its own)

I had no idea I was making a stylish statement by wearing adorable boots to the pig pen!  And, as a bonus, these bad boys keep the muck (which is far more than just mud) and water off my toes!  

I'll have to make sure and tell the Daves that I'm in style when I go out to feed them!  I know they'll be impressed.... actually, that's a lie, they won't care in the slightest bit as long as I feed them while I'm there.  

But I'll know that I'm lookin' cute in my stylin' muck boots!  Anyone else do dirty chores in cute boots?  I can't be the only one...

Until the next adventure...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I know... I've been MIA

I know and I am sorry that I've been missing in the blogosphere lately.  I noticed today that my last post was on May 22!  Geesh Louise!

There's been a lot that's happened since then.... and I've taken a lot of photos with the good intentions of blogging about the craziness that is my job and my life, but I just haven't gotten around to it.

I won't lie, I would much rather sleep at 11 pm (or later) than blog.

Sorry... don't take that personally... really

So I'll get back on the blogger wagon if you'll all excuse me for falling off of it for a couple weeks.  In the meantime.... here's a glimpse of what I've been up to!  (at least a little bit of what I've been up to!)

I did take the time to finally fix the curtains in our main living space (living room/dining room/kitchen/entry).  

Every time I would wash these bad boys, they'd get a little bot shorter.

And they were getting to all be different lengths!

And it was really annoying me... grrrr...

So I did what any practical woman would do...

I went to Wal*Mart to get the goods to make some good ole' fashioned sheet curtains!

They're still a wee bit (okay, a LOT bit) long...

I don't mind them 'puddling' a bit around the bottom, but this is extreme!  

But I'll get to 'em.... eventually!

Until the next adventure....
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