Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vegas Day 1

First day in Vegas....

...didn't do much, other than take pics from the hotel room....

...this is the stadium where Monster Jam World Finals will be this weekend...

...here's my rental car...the one that's backed into the parking spot (because that's how I roll park)...

...there's lots to do out here...

...and places to go....

...including Walmart, where I was once today and will likely return many times in the next week for "necessities"...

...and there's Del Taco...

...and Carl Jr's (or Hardee's to us Hoosiers)...

...and there's a mall across the way.  I'll be there tomorrow, fo' sho.'

I also painted my nails Max D orange, but they turned out more hunter orange.  It's okay, I don't care that much, I'm still supporting my team!
(Also, notice I'm not wearing my wedding ring?  Notice how swollen my ring finger is? I don't know what the heck I did, but it hurts like the dickens and I squeezed my ring off my overly puffy finger last night before I went to bed so it wouldn't swell up and fall off while I was sleeping.  Overreaction? Maybe, but I didn't want to take any chances... I like to be able to count to 10!) 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

In less than one week, I'll be here...

...actually, here at Sam Boyd Stadium....

...for this....

...because of him.  (and that makes me happy!)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Hi friends (hi mom), 

I'm feeling a bit blue lately and I've decided it is because I am homesick.... not to be confused with being at home, sick.  

Nope, instead, I miss my house.  

I don't really miss the house itself.  It wasn't anything special.  I don't miss cleaning it, or not having a dishwasher, or paying for it every month or my major pain-in-the-patootie, hoitie-toitie neighbors that ended up being part of the reason we left.  

I miss the stability we had when we lived here.  I knew when Hubs was coming home, I knew I needed to cook supper for us, I knew that we could plan for spring and planting the garden (that's lie, I actually only planted the garden one year and it was with pumpkins because they get planted so late that's all I had time to do by the time I got around to it!) 

Things in my life are in a bit of an upheaval and are unsteady and this is not at all the life I was living when we lived in our home. (Someday, I'll get into it a blog post, but today's not the day.)

What life is right now, however, is the ride I signed up for when I fell for this guy. 

This guy who likes to do silly things like this:

photo courtesy of MonsterJam.com

This guy who loves me and supports me and my dreams the same way I support him.  I have his back.  He has mine.  We're a team.

(anyone else immediately think of the Reliant K lyrics, "we should get jerseys, 'cause we make a good team" ... no...just me.... I'm ok with that)

We'll be settled again eventually, but for now, I'll opt to pay rent and not have to worry about property taxes because I know that soon, very soon, it'll all be back to normal... whatever that is  ;)

'Til then, I'm just keepin' the faith that it'll all work out the way it's supposed to.  After all, there is no other way, is there?

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11  NIV
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