Thursday, May 20, 2010

I feel so special!

I won something!  It's a bloggy award (or something like that)

Keep in mind, I am new to blogging and this is my first award so I am also new to blogger awards!

I started blogging thanks to a seminar/training guide/guilt trip that was attended by a bunch of the same gals.  So this "The Versatile Blogger" award has been passed around.  (But it also makes me sing to myself, "they like me, they like me!")

Here's how it all went down: my new friend Marybeth over at Alarm Clock Wars first bestowed my validation award on me.  And then, Leah at Beyer Beware added me!  And then pig farmer Heather mentioned me in her acceptance speech for the award!

So to all of you outstanding gals... Thanks for liking me! :)  (And not making me feel like an incompetent goob at these blogger workshops!)

Here are the rules of the award:
  1. Thanks the person who gave you this award. 
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award on to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and think are fantastic.
  4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

hmmm... Seven things about me...
1. I love Jesus (just like Leah!)
2. When Hubs proposed to me, I told him no because I thought he was joking
3. I am terrible at follow-through... doesn't matter if it is following up or finishing a project
4. I am almost always late for everything
5. I cry at almost anything sappy on tv or movies
6. I'm using my blog to get out of my comfort zone - I love to talk to people about themselves in person, but I'm not much good at being my charming self face-to-face
7. I really, really, really don't like the concept of kitchens decorated with roosters or chickens.  I don't care if other people do it, but the thought of dirty chickens surrounding me while I eat just grosses me out.

Next up: 15 blogs I follow that I want to pass on the award to...
OK, lemme say this isn't super fair because so many of the gals from my blogger-workgroup have already been given the award, so I'm going to highlight them without technically giving it to them...
1-3: see above gals
4: Goodeness Gracious: she's the one that got me into this...
5: Hoosier Farm Babe: she's a farm reporter like me (only for the competition!)
6: Katie at On the Banks of Squaw Creek does it all - mom, wife, farmwife and crafter (and my new friend!)  She really should move that turkey farm to Indiana!
7: Julia at The Gallivanting Gal lives in the hills of Indiana although we're family and grew up in the same county.  She's a new mom and lives on a farm with her Hubs and is populating their homestead with all kinds of critters
8: A fun crafty blog I like to follow is done by Donna at Funky Junk Interiors.  Her blog is so much more developed than mine, but I'm learning a lot from her, too.
9: FoodieFarmGirl has all kinds of great stuff on her blog, but I'm loving all her cute aggie pictures!
10: Dittle Dattle: Fun and great crafty ideas and nice photos (I'm a sucker for photos!)
11: Decorator blog I love:
12: 'Nother decorator blog I love: The Nester
13: Two Maids A Milking: the tales of two gals on the dairy farm and all the dirty stuff that entails (and they're Johnson County folks!)
14: The official blog of the Indiana Wine Grape Council - good stuff happening here
15: The Indiana State Fairgrounds blog - this team talks about what's happening at the grounds years round


  1. Thanks for the shoutout! I really enjoy following your blog, 2! :)

  2. Congrats on your award and thanks for the mention! I just heart your blog and honored to have been the one to introduce you to the blogosphere!

  3. I retitled my elvis post with your line. :)


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